.NET MAUI MAX Training

Train your .NET Maui skills to the MAX

Starting a new .NET Maui project? This course will learn you and your team to  build apps with .NET Maui and C#. Maui exposes a complete cross-platform UI toolkit for .NET developers. You will learn how to incorporate navigation and standardcustom gestures into your app’s user experience.



15 days


Introduction to Cross-Platform Mobile Development

Reduce the amount of code you must write by sharing your business logic across platforms.

Layout in Maui

Specify the size and position of the controls in your Maui UI using the two most common layout containers: StackLayout and Grid.

Resources and Styles in Maui

Use resources and styles in Maui to manage shared values and provide a consistent UI look and feel.

SQLite and Mobile Data

Use SQLite to efficiently store and retrieve on-device data.

Navigation Patterns in Maui

Implement multi-page apps using stack and tab navigation.

Preparing for Publishing

Prepare your app for release through the App Store, Google Play, and Windows Marketplace.

Patterns for Cross Platform Mobile Development

Use the Factory pattern, the Service Locator pattern, and Dependency Injection to access platform-specific APIs from shared code in a loosely-coupled manner.

Master-detail and Drawer Navigation

In this course, you’ll learn how to switch between pages of content using drawer navigation, and create a master-detail UI to browse data collections

Mobile Application Architecture

Learn common architectural principals and styles to properly structure your mobile app.

Customizing the ListView in Maui

Customize the ListView control using custom cells, headers/footers, grouping, and cell caching.

Design an MVVM ViewModel

Apply the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern to your apps to improve code reuse and testability.

Maui Effects

Use Effects to customize the appearance of the native controls that underlie elements.

Maui Renderers

Use Renderers to customize the behavior of existing controls and create your own custom controls.

Diagnosing Memory Management Issues

Locate and fix memory problems in your applications.

Target Audience


If you haven’t tried Maui yet, this is the moment to get started! Maui is a cross-platform framework that makes it possible to build mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows all together at once using C# and a shared codebase.




Lab Development


Most of the courses in this training have a lab. In these labs you will learn how to build a Maui app from scratch.



Students should have significant previous experience with the C# programming language and familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts such as inheritance and interfaces. Knowledge of or experience with the Native iOS SDK’s are a big plus.

C# programming language
familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts

Continuing Education Program:​



Course Materials

All attendees receive comprehensive courseware.

Software needed on student PC


Apple Xcode (available from the Mac App Store)

Visual Studio for Mac

Android SDK

Lab file bundle provided with the course


Visual Studio

.NET SDK and Maui workloads

Optional – Mac computer that can be connected to remotely (via SSH) for running iOS-based applications

Lab file bundle provided with the course

Ready to get started? Get in touch!