European Regional Development Fund: EPAnEK 2014-2020 Operational Programme
Type of action: R&I
Duration: 27 Months
Start date: 01 JuNE 2020
Project Title: HEAT – Optimal multiscale design of innovative materials for heat exchange applications
Overall Budget: € 762.955,00
Grant Agreement ID: Τ2ΕΔΚ-03206


     The main goal of Materialize is the development of a cloud software platform, enabling the digital design and standardization of the manufacturing process of innovative high performance materials along with an accurate simulation of products comprised of those materials. Materialize aims to greatly simplify the intricate process of designing new materials by developing a web application which will guide its user in picking already existing materials and combinations of them along with the steps required for the composition and design of new materials with targeted properties that satisfy specific industrial regulations and specifications. Materialize will orchestrate a pool of computational mechanics software, specialized in the simulation and design of high-performance materials and corresponding products, will interoperate with national material properties databases and will be available for usage through both Azure and AWS.

     Materialize will be implemented through a joint venture between the Institute of Static Analysis and Seismic Design (ISAAR) of the NTUA with computational m  anics expert NComp and cloud computing expert Nessos Information Technologies and will be comprised of a central orchestrator node and a series of satellite  modules which will handle the workflow imposed by the user. The design and simulation of the final product will be accompanied with a standardized anufacturing process of the material used through a joint venture between the Materials Science and Engineering Lab of the NTUA and material experts Delta who will also provide a product verification service which includes manufacturing of a prototype sample along with a thorough characterization of its properties (e.g.: thermal, electrical, mechanical, etc.) Materialize will be based on MSolve, an open-source computational mechanics software with ISAAR being its main contributor, encompassing years of research on simulation and material design. Specifically, MSolve will be the basis for an integrated material and product simulation software package, capable of accurately representing the behavior of composite and meta-materials in various length scales. Such capabilities will allow for a detailed evaluation of both behavior and performance of innovative materials, their microstructures (e.g.: fabrics, honeycombs, etc.) and structures of larger length scales, by considering the properties of the interface between inclusions and matrix and the influence of the manufacturing process on their behavior.

Project Participants

NComp   N|C Greece
Nessos AE Olokliromenon Liseon kai Sistimaton Pliroforikis Greece
National Technical University of Athens – Research Unit of Advanced, Composite, Nano materials & Nanotechnology, (R-NANO) Greece
Delta OE Materials Process and Innovation Solutions Greece
National Technical University of Athens – Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research (ISAAR) Greece